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Re: SECURITY ALERT: Password protection bug in Netscape 2.0b3

> ] 	 I think you're getting the disk cache confused with Netscape's 
> ] 	 authentication.  Your demonstration page will not work correctly if
> ] 	 you flush the disk cache before attempting it.
> ] 
> ] I don't have 2.0b3, so I can't try the demo, but you may be making a
> ] distinction without a difference.  The disk cache is, after all, on
> ] disk, and persists between sessions.
> ] 
> I seem to remember that some internet-draft or even RFC stated that
> pages needing authorization must (should?) not be cached. If Netscape
> 2.0b3 would place the pages only in memory cache and not in disk cache
> there was no problem, right?
> -Wolfram
I doubt it.  That assumes a netscape session is for a single user.  Somebody
else mentioned kiosk mode, and memory caching would be a problem in kiosk mode.
With "Netscape in a Nintendo" and ubiquitous browsers, this could be a large

David Orchard				| "Life is a Highway, I want to ride
orchard@mda.ca				|  it all night long"
MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates	|  Tom Cochrane
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